Prasanthi enclave North Chalakudy
City: Chalakudy
State: Kerala
Country / Region: India
Tel: 919061626555
Tesla Scans And Healthcare, one of the best diagnostic centre in Kerala offers quality services with our well-versed healthcare medical centre and diagnostics center. For your queries for best labs for blood test near me, pathology lab near me, physician near me, we are a perfect choice. Tesla scans and healthcare is specialized in scanning services, MRI centers, blood testing services, clinical labs like microbiology lab, endocrine lab, and we have a panel of expert doctors in our op department to cater to your needs. We offer the best in class services among the nearby scan centers. Our team of health experts are at your service to guide you and retain your health with utmost dedication. Tesla scans and healthcare offers accurate and convenient diagnostic services through its various nearest blood test labs and nearby scan centers for its service seekers.
Last modified 2020-04-16 00:12:1345.249.171.*
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