有色金屬 Nonferrous Metal
業務咨詢艾先生:***/***深圳市艾伏特超聲波設備有限公司集研發生產銷售為一體的生產廠家,主要生產塑膠模具清洗機, 投入式超聲波震板, 金型模具清洗機、102C模具清洗液、除油超聲波清洗設備、電鍍超聲波震板、塑膠模具清洗液、深圳單槽超聲波清洗機、玻璃慢拉脫水機設備、反滲透...[家電制造設備] - www.z*csb.com
- UTF-8 - 2017-10-09
海拓設計是佛山專業網站設計工作室,提供佛山網站建設、網站設計、網站改版、網站制作,是佛山以專業設計與售后服務為主的設計工作室。[網站建設] - www.g-*eo.cn
- UTF-8 - 2016-05-22
古悅陶瓷,專營仿古磚的大型陶瓷企業,以產品質量穩定可靠和產品創新能力享譽業界。公司擁有先進的生產設備,能夠生產出多樣花色的古典藝術文化石質磚,目前能生產1200X600mm,1000X1000mm,800×800mm,600×600mm,300X600mm,300X30...[地板、地磚] - www.f*guyue.com
- GB2312 - 2015-10-27
佛賓月餅團購網是佛山本土的品牌月餅折扣門戶,十年來推介佛山至知名至高檔月餅,如佛賓月餅、即皇冠假日酒店月餅,是佛山月餅至專業的月餅平臺。[糕餅面包] - www.fs-yuebing*.cn
- UTF-8 - 2023-10-26
子匯科技是一間信息化的佛山網絡公司, 以佛山網站建設, 佛山網站推廣為主導力量, 子匯科技作為專業的佛山網絡公司為佛山企業在佛山網站建設和佛山網站推廣中推出了豐富多彩的電子商務和企業新形象, 讓企業在互聯網時代中得到推廣宣傳....[網站建設] - www.*ingup.cn
- GB2312 - 2015-01-28
Cold Storage
We work on the forefront of innovation and technology to take products from an idea all the way to the end consumer.[冰箱、冷柜] - www.yangtzecool.com
- UTF-8 - 2023-07-29
Foshan Metech Aluminum Technology Co...
Metech-specializing in , manufacturing and exporting full line aluminium industrial equipment. Such as aluminum melting furnaces, holding furnaces, aluminum dross processing machine, aluminum ingots, aluminum wire rod, aluminum billet, aluminum coil etc[金屬加工設備] - www.cnmete*h.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-12-18
custom skateboards
Our factory is professional in skateboards production, we use 100% Canadian hard rock maple or bamboo produce many style skateboard deck, include maple decks , bamboo skateboard, Longboard , old school skateboard, custom skateboards.offers OEM & ODM skateboards for brands' companies around the world.[國際網路] - www.*ueloskateboards.com
- UTF-8 - 2017-06-13
鹽步緯鈺服裝內衣輔料致力于中高檔內衣針織面料、內衣輔料(尼龍包膠扣、鋼圈等內衣配件)及內衣制造研發、生產和銷售[內衣、睡衣] - www.ybweiyu*.com
- GB2312 - 2013-03-12
Cold Storage...
Yangtzecooling is professional cold storage manufacturer, produced insulated panels and Cold Storage Doors, design for composite cold sto...[地板、地磚] - www.yhc*rp.cn
- UTF-8 - 2015-06-07
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