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          Refrigeration Heat Exchange 散熱、制冷設備

           倪先生  梁先生  張經理  陳先生  潘民 

          • shengtongex.net


               [待更新] 南陽盛通防爆創建于2015年,專注生產防爆控制箱, 防爆認證, 防爆箱, 防爆空調生產廠家, 防爆暖風機, 防爆配電箱等防爆空調系列產品,先發展為防爆電氣行業重點骨干企業。

            www.she*gtongex.net - GB2312 - 2022-02-26

          • 81366123.com


               [待更新] 卡塞爾機械(浙江)有限公司是優質的油溫控制系統, 高光蒸汽注塑, 氧化冷水機, 油加熱器供應商, 主要經營產品有:油溫控制系統, 高光蒸汽注塑, 高溫熱壓模板控溫器, 塑料薄膜生產線控溫系統, 玻璃鋼葉片模溫機、鎂合金壓鑄模溫機 !...

            www.81366*23.com - UTF-8 - 2022-02-04

          • lengnuanyitiji.com


               [待更新] 普泰克(proteco)制冷設備技術有限公司是一家以研發生產銷售低溫冷凍機, 低溫冷卻液循環泵, 高低溫一體機等設備的公司, 歡迎各位前來咨詢

            www.lengnuanyitij*.com - UTF-8 - 2022-01-12

          • zbjunyujixie.com


               [待更新] 普泰克(上海)制冷設備技術有限公司是一家以溫度控制系統, 冷卻水循環系統, 低溫冷水機, 冷熱一體機等制冷設備為主的生產廠家, 歡迎前來詢價

            www.zbjunyu*ixie.com - UTF-8 - 2022-01-12

          • 88309025.com


               [待更新] 卡塞爾機械(浙江)有限公司是優質的模溫機供應商, 主要經營產品有:速冷速熱模溫機, 油加熱控溫機, 急冷急熱溫度控制機, 壓鑄模具控溫器, 模具控溫設備, 歡迎咨詢各類壓鑄模溫機價格.

            www.88309025*.com - UTF-8 - 2022-01-06

          • coolplusref.com


               [待更新] COOLPLUS China is a professional manufacturer and supplier of commercial refrigeration equipment, catering equipment, foodservice equip...

            www.coolplusre*.com - UTF-8 - 2021-12-10

          • szhxht.com


               [待更新] 華夏恒泰是直流散熱風扇, 交流散熱風扇, 鼓風機, 橫流風扇, 后向式離心風扇專業生產廠家, 25年研發制造經驗, 擁有自主品牌一盟風扇, 并已通過ISO/IATF質量體系認證,UL、CE、TUV等國際安全認證。

            www.szh*ht.com - UTF-8 - 2021-11-06

          • weilijs.cn


               [待更新] 江蘇偉力流體技術有限公司重點推出的懸浮式高速渦輪鼓風機利用永磁鐵高速電機、懸浮軸承、智能變頻器等多項核心技術的單級高速離心鼓風機,與現有的傳統離心鼓風機相比,它能節省30%-50%電費及能耗,并且噪音小(低于80分貝),無需要維護等特點。...

            www.weili*s.cn - UTF-8 - 2021-11-02

          • bvthermal.com

            Recirculating Chillers Fluid Heat Exchangers

               [待更新] For over 40 years BV Thermal Systems has provided recirculating chillers and fluid to fluid heat heat exchangers to a various array of companies and institutions. The different industries and applications served over the decades have provided us […]

            bvth*rmal.com/ - UTF-8 - 2021-09-28

          • phe-heat-exchanger.com

            Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger...

               [待更新] Daniel is a large reliable and professional manufacturers and suppliers for Plate Heat Exchanger, Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger, Plate Heat Exchanger Gasket. You can rest assured to buy the products from our factory and we will offer you the best after-sale service and timely delivery.

            phe-heat-excha*ger.com - UTF-8 - 2021-09-15

          • china-cct.com


               [待更新] 無錫科巨機械是專業從事閉式冷卻塔、密閉式冷卻塔、蒸發式冷卻塔等制冷設備開發、設計、制造、銷售和服務的企業.公司擁有先進的生產設備, 成熟的生產加工水平, 銷售熱線:***.

            www.c*ina-cct.com - GB2312 - 2012-06-26

          • dfqy88.com


               [待更新] 北京東方青燕科技有限公司,專業銷售各種電加熱暖風機,工業用取暖器,工程熱風機,暖風機,熱風機,燃油暖風機

            www.dfqy8*.com - UTF-8 - 2013-06-24

          • industrialchillersystems.com

            Cooling Chillers...

               [待更新] WPI - Worldwide distributor of chillers, chiller systems, central chillers, process cooling, process chillers,

            www.industrialchi*lersystems.com - UTF-8 - 2011-03-26

          • wxouer.com


               [待更新] 無錫歐爾冷卻設備主要生產閉式冷卻塔, 開式冷卻塔, 水水冷機組, 螺桿式冷水機, 箱型工業冷水機, 空冷式熱交換器等***

            www.*xouer.com - UTF-8 - 2016-10-21

          • evaporativecoolingtowers.com

            Cooling Towers

               [待更新] Whaley Products Evaporative Fluid Cooling, Evaporative Cooling Towers, Industrial Cooling Tower Systems

            www.evaporativecool*ngtowers.com - UTF-8 - 2011-03-26

          • coolingtowertechnology.com

            Industrial Cooling Towers...

               [待更新] Whaley Cooling Towers: manufactured industrial cooling towers for a variety of industrial cooling tower markets. Fiberglass cooling towers.

            www.cool*ngtowertechnology.com - UTF-8 - 2011-03-26

          • portablechillers.org

            Portable Chiller Air Cooled Chillers...

               [待更新] Portable Chillers for many cooling applications. A Whaley Portable Chiller is the best portable chiller.

            www.portablechiller*.org - UTF-8 - 2011-03-24

          • sznoss.com


               [待更新] 深圳諾銳是耐高溫軟管, 高溫軟管, 耐高溫風管, 高溫風管, 耐高溫伸縮風管, 耐高溫伸縮軟管, 食品級軟管, 鋼絲軟管, 食品級鋼絲軟管, 食品級鋼絲管, 食品級硅膠軟管, 食品級硅膠管, 硅膠軟管, 不銹鋼軟管, 衛生級軟管, 食品級不銹鋼軟管, 衛生級不銹鋼軟管, 吸塵管, 吸塵軟管, 防靜電軟管, 防...

            www.szn*ss.com - UTF-8 - 2016-03-19

          • cti.org

            Cooling Technology Institute


            www.c*i.org - UTF-8 - 2012-06-26

          • 360che.com


               [待更新] 卡車之家為您提供卡車報價、卡車圖片、卡車新聞資訊以及活躍度高的卡車論壇。卡車之家是卡車人的家,卡車人的卡車網站。

            www.*60che.com - GB2312 - 2018-04-27

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