[Sell Offer]The following message about castings was posted by Dongxing Metal Industry Co.,Ltd. Christa09/04/2015
Last modified: 2015-09-04 16:39:36Christa (221.195.111.*)
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Open Directory - Industrial Supplies - > Casting - Dongxing Metal Industry Co.,Ltd. - metal castings-machinery parts
Full Name: Christa Email: foundrycentrer@126.com Mobile: N/A Company: Dongxing Metal Industry Co.,Ltd. Telephone: N/A Address: N/A Postcode: 061001 Website: http://www.foundrycenter.com Period of validity: 365 days
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Dongxing Casting,Dongxing Metal Industry Co., Ltd. We produce more than***kinds of products, such as engineering machinery components, heavy trucks’parts, heavy turbonator parts , tensile tester parts and generating sets under 300, 000 kilowatt[Casting] -
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